Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4th

Luke 22:14-23. All of the scripture passages chosen for this week have to do with remembrance. This account of Jesus sharing a last Passover meal with his disciples is told also in Matthew and Mark, and in all three accounts there are Jesus' words, at the breaking of the bread, that his disciples are to 'do this in rembrance' of' him. Only in Luke do we have Jesus also saying 'I have wanted so much to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer.' Jesus' was not simply going through the motions, crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's of his Father's Messiah program on his way to saving the world. The disciples were his dear friends, and had become his family. Just as we might look forward with longing and anticipation to a Thankgiving dinner with loved ones, Jesus has looked forward to this Passover meal with his disciples, his friends. That is the thing I remember most about his last Passover. RS

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