Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15 by Rev. Louis Carr

Read Mark 2:1-13.

In this world of busyness we have found ourselves as Dr. Kirk Byron Jones puts it to so eloquently “addicted to hurry.”  As we rush to drive from one place to another, going from appointment to appointment, taking kids to practice and eating on the run, Sabbath rest is easily over looked.  In a society that demands multitasking and chronic overdrive, rest is often seen as a flaw or sign of weakness.

In the text we see Jesus in conversation with the Pharisees once again.  What we take from the text is placed at the end.  Jesus simply says, “…the Sabbath was made for humankind….” From this straightforward passage we understand that rest is a gift from God to us.  We also see that God models this idea for us in the creation narrative in Genesis 2:2: “…and he rested on the seventh day from all the work….”

The question still remains… are we practicing rest?  Do we model rest for our families? Or do we follow the beat of a culture that is restless, relentless and exhausted? 

God, in a world that no longer gives pause for the Holy day of rest, help us to demonstrate what you have taught us. Give us the wisdom to open your gift of rest.   Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate Louis' comment about being "addicted to hurry!" Even though my children are grown, I still haven't gotten rid of that habit. It seems that unless we get a lot of things done, we (and others) think we are not very productive citizens - or maybe not even good Christians. Jesus did take time to rest and I know He wants us to do the same. The four days that we were iced in the house this winter were some of the most restful and refreshing times I have had in years! It seems that would be a good lesson for me - and maybe others!
