Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 21 by Jenny Davidson

Read Mark 3:13-30.

Every where that Jesus walked, crowds pressed in to see what was happening.  He had been teaching and performing miracles.  His incredible claims and unusual acts had even Jesus’ closest friends and family question his actions.  In this passage we see Jesus taking everything in stride once again.  When confronted about who he really is, he speaks in parables.  I find it interesting how Jesus speaks in a way for everyone to understand.  The parables weren’t some wild riddle that he was trying to use to confuse.  Instead, Jesus speaks in a way that he knows will make sense.  He tells the people around him to be careful to avoid speaking wrongly about what God may be doing and not to resist the Holy Spirit.

Is there something today that you know God is wanting to do in your life but you are hesitant, fearful or pushing aside?  

Merciful God, please give me the courage to choose faith over fear today.  Thank you for your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Choosing faith over fear sounds so simple - but yet it is a tremendous challenge! Ken was probably one of the most "fear-less" people I have ever had the privilege of knowing! I know that part of faith is simply trusting. One of my favorite scriptures is "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Even though I believe this and have repeated it literally thousands of times in my life, I sometimes find myself filled with fear - especially about the future. I appreciate Jenny's prayer which says so much.
