Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday, March 31 by Melissia Mason

Read Mark 5:21-34.

I’ve often wondered what this woman was feeling when she tentatively reached out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. She was so sure that even the lightest touch would heal her. Can you imagine her relief when her faith paid off?  Her desperation led to her healing.

When was the last time you reached out to God in desperation? It can be difficult to maintain the level of hopeful faith that the healed woman displayed. It’s not often that we see a miracle like the one she experienced.  Very often we are left wondering… where is my miracle?

I heard a story once about a child who was watching her mother cross-stitch. The child was sitting at the mother’s feet looking at the back of the handiwork. From that perspective, it looked like a jumbled mess. But from the mother’s perspective, the cross-stitched image was becoming increasingly beautiful and detailed.

From our perspective, life may look like a picture of chaos. But God has a different perspective. He’s looking at the masterpiece he’s creating and only he knows what the finished product will be.

God, give us patience as you work your miracles in our lives. Give us eyes to see the subtle brush strokes that go into creating your masterpiece. Amen.


  1. Love it Melissia! Exactly what I needed to read this morning!

  2. I appreciate the idea that we are a masterpiece - in the making! Most days I don't feel like it but rather like the "jumbled mess" on the back of the cross-stitch! I praise God what He has done in my life and what He is doing right now! I ask that He will help me to see all those miracles in my life and the lives of others!
