Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1

Genesis 12

The story of Abram is quite amazing. His response of leaving his home and all that he knows to follow God is a measure of his great faith. What is fascinating is that as soon as he runs into his first real problem, he forgets all about his faith. When the famine arises, he is afraid the Egyptians will kill him so that they could have his beautiful wife. Wouldn't you think after having the faith to follow God to a strange land, that he would at least plead with God to help him? Instead, he takes matters into his own hands and tries to deceive the Egyptians. It does not work out very well.

When I read Abram's story, I think of my own. There are times in which I have great faith in response to the call of God upon my life. No sooner have I had faith, then fear grips me over a simple issue and I create a plan that has nothing to do with God. Part of the struggle of faith is we keep wrestling control of our lives back from God.

1 comment:

  1. I think Abram's story is similar to everyone's story...similar to mine at least. When things are going well, it is easy to give everything to God. I am truly tested when He presents me with a problem. When I should be wanting and willing to go to Him for advice, I look to myself. Maybe because I see only a very small part of the overall picture. I see how it will effect me right here, right now. If I were to follow God's way though, I would be a part of the bigger picture-playing a bigger role. God can see that, He designed it. No matter how many times I see the great results when things are given to God, I will always be struggling to give control to Him. As much as we think we have control though, we don't-it is all in God's hands.
