Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2

Acts 4

This week the scripture passages will focus on the story of how Barnabas and Paul/Saul are introduced into Acts and how their lives intertwine. But before we get to Barnabas' introduction, there is line about Peter and John. In a description of Peter and John it says in verse 13, "that there were unschooled, ordinary men". Most of the early leaders of the church were ordinary men. What makes them extraordinary is their willingness to follow their faith. We may look at ourselves and say how could I do that? That is exactly the point. It is not about us. It is about God working through us.

At the end of the chapter Barnabas is introduced. His name is really Joseph but the apostles give him the name Barnabas. His name means "Son of Encouragement". That gives us a glimpse into his character. What phrase would others use to describe you if they were giving you a new name?

1 comment:

  1. That's a thought-provoking question that Ken asked about what name others might give us as a new name! A lesson in one of my Bible study groups had us write about for what do we want to be remembered. It seems that would tie in with this Scripture as we seek to do God's will and trust Him with our whole being!
