Thursday, August 5, 2010

Acts 12-13

The description of Barnabas & Saul's journey is rather amazing. They encounter a sorcerer & false prophet, darkness comes over the sorcerer's eyes, they preach the gospel and multitudes respond, and they are expelled from a region. I have never been on such a journey.
What amazes me is the courage of these men. To walk into a city in which there are no Christians and begin proclaiming Jesus as Lord is a very courageous act. At times I get nervous telling just one stranger about my faith. I can't imagine walking into a city where no one believed. Could you do that?

1 comment:

  1. No, I'm sure that I could not walk into a strange city and start preaching about something/someone about which most had never heard. I'm like Ken in getting nervous when talking to one stranger about my faith. I have to believe that I (we) are sermons every minute of everyday as we live our lives. I like a quote attributed to Francis of Assissi: "Preach the gospel at all times; use words when necessary."
