Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday, April 25

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, 5:12-22

Paul writes about God's will in both of these passages. Notice that he speaks of God's will not in terms of a decision we have to make, such as where to live or work, but in terms of the manner we live. God's will is described in terms of our prayer life, our joy, our thankfulness, and in avoiding sexual immorality. Could it be that as we put the right practices into our lives, God's will in our actions becomes readily evident?

1 comment:

  1. With each passage, I am constantly finding the differences between what is right in a worldly view, and what is right in God's view. People have adapted the Bible to meet culture's expectations and acceptable standards, not the other way around. Take sexual immorality-Paul clearly states that we must abstain, yet current cultures and ideologies have made it acceptable under certain circumstances. This theme can be seen everywhere-television, movies, books. Do I think that media that holds this idea as a common theme is bad and should be banned? No. As followers, we can choose not to live our lives that way. I believe that God will grant us the strength to live in the way He intended if we ask Him for help and guidance. I made the decision to change the way I was handling some situations in my life. My change (in the right direction) has made following God's will through my actions much more natural. It is evident not only to me, but others as well.
