Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17

Daniel 4

Daniel's interpretation of the dream ends with instructions of how Nebuchadnezzar might avoid the dream being fulfilled. Daniel says, "break away now from your sins by doing righteousness". In essence, he tells him if he starts living in right relationship with God, he might avoid this disaster. But Nebuchadnezzar does not listen.

When I look at Nebuchadnezzar, I see myself. There are times that I know the right action but somehow I end up doing just the opposite. Why do I act that way?

1 comment:

  1. I guess it's back to realizing the need to be humble. I think that we Americans in our affluent society must have the greatest need for this! Many of us simply think we have done it all on our own!
    The words of Paul usually reassure me that even he was like King Neb.! - Even he struggled with continuing to do what he knows isn't reight... (I can't find the verse.)
